1. What do you love about buying new books?
The Unknown – I like the fact, that I don’t know what the book will make with me and my Feelings.
2. How often do you buy new books?
Recently, really often! But I stopped that, because I have not enough time to read all the books at the same time!
3. Bookstore or online book shopping – which do you prefer?
I like both. In bookstores you have the advantage to sit down and to read the first pages. The whole atmosphere is an other than in online bookstores.
But the advantage, when you buy books online, is that you have the possibility to compare the prices with other shops.
4. Do you have a favourite bookstore?
Yes, it’s a small bookstore in my village.
5. Do you preorder books?
Yes, of course 😀
6. Do you have a monthly book buying limit?
I wish I had set myself a limit ^_^’ but for the future: I will buy no more than two books per month.
7. Book buying bans – are they something for you?
I do this at the moment. I mean – not buying books. It’s really hard, but I will stay strong 😉 . Untill I have read all my other books.
8. How big is your wishlist?
Oh, I don’t know… probably between 11 and 20 books…
9. Which three books (from you wish list or preorders, or … ) would you like to own NOW?
“Shining” – by Stephen King
“Vom Ende der Welt” – by Naomi Oreskes
“Ich fürchte mich nicht” – by Tahereh H. Mafi
10. Whom do you tag?
I tag you, you and you! 🙂 All booklovers are welcome!
Diesen TAG habe ich von einer englischen Blogseite und deshalb die Fragen auch in Englisch beantwortet.
Hoffe stört euch nicht!
With Love